L5.2 Slam Bidding

There are instances where one of the partners determines that a slam might be on the cards (32+ HCPs between the hands) and it is under these circumstances that a number of “tools” can be used :-

  1. Gerber
  2. Blackwood
  3. Cue Bidding
  4. Grand Slam Force
  5. Roman Key-Card Blackwood

As beginners you only need to consider the first 2 of these and fortunately they follow as similar process of :-

  1. Ask for number of Aces 
  2. Respond
  3. Ask for the number of Kings
  4. Respond
  5. Bid accordingly
Ask4 Clubs5 Clubs
4 D5 D
14 H5 H
24 S5 S
34 NT5 NT
44 D5D
05 C6 C
15 D5 D
25 H6 H
35 S6 S
45 C6 C

Note that should only go asking for Kings if you have all the Aces.